Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Christmas Elves with Kindergarten Buddies

Today we got to help our kindergarten buddies create their Christmas elves! Hopefully those elves are working real hard on all of the Christmas gifts!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

All School Assembly

5B was in charge of planning the Monday All-School Assembly on Monday, 11/28. This was the first week of Advent.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


We had an All-School Thanksgiving Mass on Tuesday. 5th Graders were in charge of bringing peanut butter and our kindergarten buddies were in charge of bringing canned fruit. These items were donated to the food pantry at SSM. We all have many things to be thankful for! As we enter Advent, remember how blessed we truly are and share our blessings with others!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

US Cellular Award Assembly

WOO-HOO for SSM! We were the winner of $50,000 from the US Cellular Calling All Communities Competition. On Friday, US Cellular presented the check to our school at a special assembly.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Our recent art project was called "Falling for Foreshortening". We started by tracing our shoes and hands to create the optical illusion that the person we are drawing on our paper is falling!


Due to reaching our school goal in the magazine fundraiser, we had the opportunity today to watch the group AcroDunk perform. What a talented trio!

Turkey Time with Kindergarten Buddies

We were able to meet up with our buddies again to create a Turkey with accordion style legs. We will meet with them again next week for our last Thanksgiving project.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Gingerbread Hunt

During Reading today, we had visitors from Preschool as they were in search of the Gingerbread Man. They searched high and low and finally found him hiding near the calendar! The preschoolers were also very interested in the Smart Board!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


In Religion, we have been talking about why saints are important to our spiritual growth. In addition, we discussed that they are patron saints for countries, people, and organizations. There is even a patron saint of actresses & actors! Students are currently deciding what they would want to be a patron saint of (either a characterstic or issue facing society today, why that is a need, and how they are going to go about taking care of that need, and why they chose it). If you want to learn more about patron saints, here is the link we used.