Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Literature Circle Story Cube Summaries

We have been working on Literature Circles for the month of December. Their final project is making a story cube with a group highlighting various story elements.

Joslyn Field Trip

We had a wonderful time at the Joslyn learning about various Native American art and even making our own! Thank you also to Mrs. Grimes, Mrs. Legleiter, and Mrs. Byrne for volunteering to chaperone. The kids behaved so well and were complimented by the Joslyn volunteers on how good they were! They make me so proud!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Happy St. Nicholas Day!

We have been studying St. Nicholas and other saints of Advent. We made St. Nicholas prayer cards and a little Reindeer Hershey bar treat for our kindergarten buddies!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Target Multiplication

Today in Math we spent time reviewing multiplication by playing Target Multiplication. The students were paired with another student and they competed against another team. I told them how many numbers in the top factor and told them the other factor. They drew cards (depending on how many digits) to create their factor. They worked together to multiply and then checked with calulators. Then I drew a card and gave them a target number. If they had that number in their answer, then they got certain number of points depending on what place value(s) it was in.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Christmas Elves with Kindergarten Buddies

Today we got to help our kindergarten buddies create their Christmas elves! Hopefully those elves are working real hard on all of the Christmas gifts!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

All School Assembly

5B was in charge of planning the Monday All-School Assembly on Monday, 11/28. This was the first week of Advent.